The Prophetic Priesthood At Jerusalem
First giving honor and praises to Yahwah Qadosh Yisrael and Our Anointed Lord and Savior Ahdonaynu HaMasheak, His Holy Princedom, Divine Ministers, Crowned Brothers and Sisters and all those striving for righteousness sake, Shalom, Shalom.
These are the dates for the approaching Holy Day season.
Shabbatone Zecrone Thruah----------- September 29/30 (Shaney/ ShleeShe)
Yom Kippur ---------------------------------------- October 8/9 (Rivee/Kamashe)
Succot (Opening) ------------------------------- October 13/14 (Shleeshe/Rivee)
Succot (Closing) -------------------------------- October 20/21 (Shaney/Shleeshe)
Yours in Faithful Servitude,
Yehuda HaCohane…
If one is able to keep the shabbot in babylon with no distractions, will it profit me to keep it and if so what are the dos and donts in keeping the shabbot. Can I walk in the park or ride my bike, can I talk to my next store neighbor. what about my house do all of my lights have to be turn off, and if so can I light a candle? Someone please share with me the guidelines in keeping the shabbot, because its in my heart to keep it and I want to make sure that i'm doing it according to the bible.
If someone can keep the shabbot in babylon without any distractions, then what are the dos and donts? Can I walk or ride my bike in the park, can I talk to my neighbors, what about my house do I turn off all of my lights or can I light candles. Can someone please share with me the proper quidelines on keeping the shabbot, because I would like to keep it the way YAH would have me to.
If someone can keep the shabbot in babylon without any distractions, then what are the dos and donts? please can anyone share with me the proper guidelines in keeping the shabbot.
please can someone share with me the dos and donts on keeping the shabbot
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