The Winning Team
By Ahkote Ahmahlyah E. Sar Elyahshuv - Dimona, Israel
On Yom Riviee, Wednesday, 11.1.2012, in the Northern Light city of Tiberias, Israel, the “Winning Team” (phrase coined by Ben Ammi the Spiritual Leader to denote the combined effort of four generations), members of the Hebrew Israelite Community successfully ran the 10k (6.2 miles).
Four females and seven males ages 14-83 represented the Kingdom of Yah in this annual event. Overall some 400 civilians and 1,000 Israeli Defense Forces began the run at 2:30pm in drizzling rain. Before the event was over there was a gush of steady flowing rain to encourage the runners to move faster. We counted our success once we crossed that finish line!
Participation in the 10k began previously with one, Abba Yaacov, father of Ahk Zockriel, Ahkote Kamudah Matanah and Ahkote Amnonah E. Shariel. He has now reimaged himself by bringing along ten others! None of this could have been done without the constant inspiration, encouragement and coaching of Sar Yadiel, Minister of Divine Agriculture, who was unable to participate in the race because he is on assignment in Kenya.
The runners also want to mention that this could not have been done without the steam room crew: our families and supporters, Nasik Rockameem (Father of Ministry of Sports and Recreation and our Divine Driver!), Nasik Elkannann, Rockameem Textiles, the Brotherhood and Sisterhood Fund Committees, Saints of the Northern Light and the onlookers.
The runners are: Abba Yacove, Ahkote Ahnavah (Sojourner), Ahk Acaziah Gadol, Ahkote Zakah e. Hecumliel Ha Cohane, Ahk Elirahm Ha Cohane, Ahkote Yavnielah E. Nasik Rockameem, Ahk Beniyah Ben Nasik Gavriel Ha Gadol, Ahkote Ahmahlyah E. Sar Elyahshuv, Matitiyahu Ben Elirahm HC, Amram Ben Gumliel, Asaf Ben Tsadeek
Photographs by: Ahkote Earelah E. Kadishiel HC and Ahkote Ahmahlyah