Tuesday, March 20, 2007


KNN Staff

"This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you." - Exodus 12:2

Today is the beginning of the Hebraic New Year. On Behalf of KNN and it’s Staff we would like to wish all of you a blessed Shana Tovah – Happy New Year.

We would also like to thank all of you for “Plugging In” to KNN this past year. Last year we had over 11,000 visitors to the KNN blog site from all over the World. This coming year promises to be even better that last year. Thank-you again for all of your support. Keep on “Plugging In” to KNN-Your One Stop Kingdom News Source!!!!!

Feel free to tell us what this New Year means to you. What would you like to do better this year? What would you like to perfect this year? Place you comments in the comment section below….Your words of inspiration may be a help to someone else.

Also feel free to add your special Shana Tovah Greetings to your friends and family. Seasons Greetings!!! Yah Khai!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All Praises to Yah Yisrael and Adonaynu HaMasheahk.
Yah Yisrael Khai!!! Shalom, shalom.

First, I would like to take this opportunity to wish us all a Shanah Tovah ooMivurehkhet (Happy and Blessed New Year).

In Hebrew shanah (spelled sheen-noon-hay) has several meanings, including: year, change (as in lee-shah-note, meaning "to change"), study, repeat, learn and teach (as in veh-shi-nahn-tahm, as found in the Shmah).

"And thou shall teach (the laws of Yah) diligently (through repetition) unto your
children” —Deut 6:7).

A variation of tov, tovah, (spelled teht-kholahm-vait-hay in Hebrew), means: favor, favorable, good, improve and happy, just to mention a few.

So, here’s to an improved, favorable and good year of change through repetition and increased access to, teaching and learning of "proper knowledge" in these higher realms!

Any way you say it, "Shanah Tovah" assures that the Sons and Daughters of Yah El’yon shall have a very Blessed and Prosperous New Year.

Eternal Love and Blessings to all,
Tovleeyah Baht Israel