KNN: Realizing the Need & Timing of the Seasons
Celebrates 4 Blessed Years of Divine Servitude
Ahtur Keymah B.N. Aharon
Greetings to our beloved family, friends and read-ience. We at KNN are humbled that this month we've made it to the 4-year mark of reporting on breaking news from around the world!
We feel greatly privileged to have been able to serve you in our capacity, and we look forward to continuing to keep you up-to-date on current events occurring in all sectors of society as well as within the Hebrew Israelite Community at large. It is our prayer that our articles have been informative, enlightening, refreshing and thought-provoking.
Within these past 4 years we has been blessed with over 100,000 visits to our site and we are excited about reaching even more people in the years to come. It is our goal to continue to provide you with up-to-date news articles that will give you a broader understanding about the world in which we all live.
We thank you for all of your love and support, and again for making the choice to plug in to KNN!
Peace and Blessings.
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Mazal Tov on your 4th year of Truth-centered News reporting and profiling.
Your presence and works speak to the arival of a new civilization able to combine New World News with the global geo-political affairs.
Todah Rabah
Soferet B. Yehuda
Before KNN i was a novice at blogging. Four years hence and I am not actually an addict, but a passionate KNN blogger and now moving into blogging other selected sites.
It is an effective space to critique world news and promote another truth-centred platform of Righteousness.
Well since my rites of passage with KNN I have been through the gamut in terms of international journalism. Published articles, one withdrawn article following a pie(ea)ce of drama and a lot of challenging, exciting, stimulating, controvertial, cultural, literary, poetic, prosaic, prophetic, geo-politic, Adamic and Benammic blogging.
KNN has fulfilled my life-long quest to be a journalist some 20+ years after a Caribbean News paper missed the chariot. I had left for abroad when they send my apprentice journalist acceptance letter.
So I shall continue to write, review, blog and critique. I trust KNN to ensure that I do not fall foul of the the C1A, MI5, MI6 and the FBI or Mossad for that matter. joke. Seriously!
Most importantly, that I do not fall foul of the Onish protocol of KOY. Now that would be more serious that all the others combined. Rockameem!!!!!!
My blog weapons have been the sword of the scribe: Standard, English, vernacular, Caribbean/Jamaican Patois even pass inna de 'labrish' chat!
So not because I am paranoid does not mean dat uno nat out fi cyatch meh. De joke is me is also watchin uno..fair game!
Abba Shaleahk and Abba Gavriel Ha Ha Gadol...the seesaw is tilting on the side of the Adamic Ascension.
The Global Sainthood should blog more. Waah wrang wit uno? Selah
Back to the Rainforest for a sip of dewdrop.
Rainforest Princess
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