Saturday, August 26, 2006

Yeshua Pt.II Seminar Hits Cleveland

Crowned Dr. Khazriel electrified attentive Cleveland audience by KNN Staff Cleveland

Last night Dr. Khazriel delivered the "Yeshua The Hebrew Messiah or Jesus The Christian Christ?" Part 2 Seminar to an attentive Cleveland audience. The seminar dealt with the truth about Christianity, Jesus Christ, and the Bible. He shared with the audience that this was a Truth that the Dead Sea Scrolls could never unseal, the "Da Vinci" code could never reveal and the Church of Rome could never conceal. The seminar was base on the book "Yeshua The Hebrew Messiah or Jesus the Christian Christ Part 2 written by Ben Ammi.

The seminar focused on 8 major points: 1) Reclamation-The reclaiming of an ancient redemptive language and the power to define this language. 2) Redemptive-The victory of the redemptive struggle not only brings total liberation from the "Satanic forces", but also returns us back to the state of our original strength with complete compensation for all that was lost. 3)Regenerative and 4) Revival-With truth as the ultimate weapon, each victory brings greater degrees of "spiritual/intellectual regeneration" and the actualization of the "Power of the Holy Spirit". The following points were: 5) Repatriation, 6) Reparation (focusing on repair of the minds of the people not on money), 7) Reunifcation, and 8) Restoration-The restoration of the true worship of the God of Africa and the World, Yah Yisrael. The seminar was laid out very well and was very thought provoking. Dr. Khazriel also utilize visual aids which gave the seminar and even greater impact. Look forward to catching the seminar coming soon to a city near you. You don't want to miss this one.

The Seminar's next stop will be Detroit-Aug. 27th, Houston-Sept. 7th, Atlanta-Sept. 9-10th, St. Louis-Sept. 13th, Washington DC-Sept. 16-17th, New York-Sept. 20th, London-Sept. 24th, and Amsterdam-Sept. 30. Yah Khai!!!!


Anonymous said...

how is any of this true?there is so many scriptures that lets you know that Yah is one my name is Michael Ben Yisrael. shalom

Anonymous said...


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