Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Prince Asiel - A Portrait of a Living Hero

Source: www.kingdomofyah.com

Prince Asiel Ben Israel is one of the few African American leaders who has seized the power to define and control our destiny and direct our people toward the path of positive change. For 30 years he has served as International Ambassador Extraordinaire of the African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem. He has maintained the vision, integrity and determination necessary to build a community that would prove to the world that African Americans can not only govern themselves; but can and have created an alternative lifestyle free from the many ills that dominate the lives of Black people in America.

After three decades, Prince Asiel looks back with great pride and admiration on a community of more than 2,500 African Americans in Israel, with equal numbers in Africa, the Caribbean and the U.S. They have succeeded in establishing an environment free from the drugs, crime and immorality plaguing societies around the world. In August 1994, the House Human Rights honored the community in a special program on Capitol Hill entitled “The Miracle in the Desert.” Today the Hebrew Israelite Community is known as “The Village of Peace.” The Hebrew Israelites have proven to be the vanguard for a truly progressive development into the 21st Century.

In the political arena, Prince Asiel’s relentless dedication to the redevelopment and rebuilding of Africa has endeared him to African heads of state and American civic, economic and religious leaders. He has sponsored many political and business delegations into Israel to foster and further relations between African Americans and the Jewish Community both in Israel and in America.

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