Dimona, Israel
The continuing quest to live in harmony with the natural elements of Yah's (God's) Creation, the Ministry of Divine Health in the African Hebrew Israelite Community or "Kibbutz Shomrei HaShalom" ("Guardians of Peace") is currently conducting experiments with solar stoves.
The all-vegan community, known for its holistic health practices and lifestyle, obtained the stoves from a manufacturer in India. Over the past several weeks, community nutritionists have prepared meals with a variety of seasonal organic vegetables. The results have been inspiring.
"I am still looking for the words to describe how tasty this food is," said Prince Danyel. "When you taste it you feel like it is the first time you have ever really tasted the vegetables. And it is without any seasonings what so ever!"
"You feel like you are eating energy with every bite," added one. "It doesn't matter if its hot or cold. Maybe this is why the ancients lived so long."
The Ministry plans to acquire more solar ovens both for the nutritional benefits, and the energy and environmental ones also. With so many days of sunshine in the Negev Desert the community members expect to reap economic dividends from savings on cooking gas and electricity.
We are already seeing benefits, even during this winter season," said Baht Ammi Baht Israel. We can't wait to see what happens in the spring and summer months."
The simple technology allows for a pot to be held in a cradle which receives reflected rays from the sun off a shield of metal strips that amazingly do not get hot at all in the process. To ensure that maximum benefits are achieved, local planners envision solar lunch days for the entire community and guests - another attraction for their way of life that has captivated guests from all over the world.
The vegetables are steam cooked in the stainless steel cookware in minutes retaining color, texture and incredible taste. The amazing results from the tests - conducted in the winter sun, more than assures community members that the benefits achieved are numerous.
Please click here for more information about the Hebrew Israelite Community's Village of Peace in Dimona, Israel.