40 Years: A Brief Perspective from the Lands of the CaptivityAhk Eitai
Being a relative newcomer to the Kingdom (5 years) it is sometimes difficult for me to fully grasp all that has occurred since the advent of this glorious Kingdom. As I read, reread and later pondered the words of Abba’s Pasakh address (We Made It!) I was again challenged to truly comprehend & appreciate the essence – the true spirit of that message.
Specifically, I was striving to really appreciate the utter impracticality – the sheer impossibility –the colossal improbability of what we have achieved over the last 40 years. Abba classified our trek over the last four decades as “the impossible journey”.
As I was walking in my neighborhood recently one morning the words “impossible journey” were still resonating in my spirit. I began to reflect on the extraordinary history of the Kingdom. As I walked I recalled these words from that Pasakh message:
Forty years ago the journey for the restoration of Yah Yisra’el’s name as Creator in the Genesis began. Forty years ago the historical journey for the Sons, Daughters, Children to establish the long-awaited Kingdom of Yah began. We, now, after forty years have crossed over a major threshold on our prophetic journey.
We have passed over! This season is not likened to any other Pasakh for we have passed over and we are at the point where major psychological and physiological effects begin. We have withstood the onslaught of the adversary; we have overcome the conspiracies, the might of Pharaoh, the plausible lies of the great scholars. To be here, in the Holy Land, this day is to know of a surety (far beyond the expression of Yah Khai!) that truly – Yah Khai!!!
As I continued my walk on that morning I was momentarily distracted by a huge alabaster structure about two hundred yards to my right. It was the newly-constructed Mt. Zion Church built about 3 or 4 years ago. Larry L. Macon is the pastor & founder of this impressive suburban mega-church. Pastor Macon got his start at Holy Trinity Baptist Church which coincidentally is the same church that I taught & preached at for nearly 20 years before coming to the Kingdom! In fact, I was being groomed and positioned for the same type of “success” in the church world that Reverend Macon was now experiencing!
I was about to quickly pass by this massive, multi-million dollar Euro-gentile institution when I decided to walk over and take a closer look. For the last 4 years or so I had driven past it countless times but had never actually seen or even desired to see it up close.
Situated on nearly 4 acres, amid trees and well-manicured suburban greenery Mt. Zion Church is a mammoth (at least 30,000 – 35,000 square feet!) ultra, ultra-modern facility. I strolled up to the expansive entranceway with its multiple glass doors. I peered inside and observed a pristine reception area; the plush carpet, the vaulted ceilings, the massive marble reception desk – at least 20 feet in width! I saw wooden easels holding glossy placards that help patrons navigate through the cavernous layout, announce the various orders of service and feature upcoming events… Impressive!!!
As I continued to gaze on intently I thought, “All of this established on a lie!” Furthermore, I understood immediately that this is only one of thousands of such institutions in this country, all of which being established on the same myth, the same lie. I thought, if I could somehow transport this enormous edifice to Dimona and set it in the Kefar it would easily take up nearly ½ the land space! Impressive!!!
I thought of how easy it would be for the carnal mind to compare this structurally remarkable institution (and others like it) with the comparatively humble institutions of the Kingdom.
At that point I remembered the words of the Father:
“… We are at the point where major psychological and physiological effects begin.”
I realized then that the point in human development when a person begins to experience major psychological and physiological effects is called puberty. It is at this point when adolescents begin to enter into the stages of adulthood. I then began to understand the profound import of Abba’s words. The 40 years of momentous, impossible, improbable, impractical, unlikely achievements were accomplished by adolescents – mere babes!
Mt. Zion Church should be impressive – it actually took over 2,000 years (not just 4 or 5 years) for the adversary to construct it and the thousands of others like it! These represent the pinnacles of accomplishment during the Age of the Gentiles!
“We have withstood the onslaught of the adversary; we have overcome the conspiracies, the might of Pharaoh, the plausible lies of the great scholars.”
It took the adversary 4,000 years to extinguish the Genesis Idea. It took another 2,000 years to completely supplant it. The formulation of the lie, the foundation of the Christian church, took nearly 100 years to construct following the death of Yeshua the Hebrew Messiah.
The various Euro-gentile councils of Nicea (325 AD), of Laodicea (363 AD), of Rome (382 AD), of Hippo (393 AD) and of Carthage (397 AD), etc. laboriously established the flagrant theologies, doctrines & dogmas of the modern church. Out of this the so-called new testament emerged.
It took over 4 centuries (400 years) of brutal captivity to completely conquer the African-Hebraic mind. All of this while the Adamic Family was in the throes of over 4,000 years of protracted degeneracy!
We therefore must understand that the sum total of their accomplishments is not worthy to be compared to even the least of our achievements. The Kingdom is in the early, early stages of its development. And yet, it took Abba a mere 40 years – one tenth of the captivity – less than 1 % of the decline of the Adamic Civilization – to reverse the effects and establish what we see, hear, taste and experience today!
Truly, Yah Khai!!! I am infinitely grateful for Abba Gadol, our great leaders, the faithful saints, the many teachers & scholars of the Kingdom who have contributed to my growth and development in this extraordinary season. I am eagerly looking forward to the advent of the next 40 years! Post Puberty! Eyes have not seen, nor ears heard nor hearts even imagined…
“And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole of heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.”
Dani’el 7: 27
Todah rabbah,
Ahk Eitai BN Aharone