A study published in the March 2004 issue of Medical Science Monitorreported that 2 tablespoons a day of olive oil added to an otherwiseunchanged diet in 28 outpatients, ranging in age from 64 to 71,resulted in significant drops in total and LDL cholesterolPublished studies link the judicious use of olive oil to reducing theeffect of a growing list of ailments. For example, Greek women have a42% lower rate of breast cancer than women in the U.S.Olive oil is recognized as important in maintaining metabolism andcontributes to the development of the brain and bones in children. Itis also recommended as a source of vitamin E for older people. Anatural anti-oxidant, olive oil slows down the natural aging process.It also slows down acid overproduction in the digestive system therebyreducing the risk for ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems. There is also a low incidence of skin cancer among Mediterraneanpopulations, and olive oil consumption could be a contributing factorto this low skin cancer rate. Olive oil contains significantly higheramounts of Squalene than other seed oils, and Squalene is to a largeextent transferred to the skin. German researchers believe that thistransfer mechanism is probably accomplished by scavenging singletoxygen generated by ultraviolet light. Japanese scientists also claimthat virgin olive oil applied to the skin after sunbathing couldprotect against skin cancer by slowing tumor growth.The Wholefood Farmacy’s Heart of Gold is made from Extra Virgin OliveOil, Walnut Oil, Avocado Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Orange Oil, & 24 CaratMedicinal Gold. Use it as a sop for whole grain breads, make your ownsalad dressings or pour it on raw or steamed veggies! Rejuvn8 is a refreshing whole food skin cleanser made from 100% coldpressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Grape Seed oil, Sesame Seed Oil, SeaSalt, and Real Lime. It is excellent for deep cleansing andre-hydration of the face and body.Pamper yourself, inside and out, with nature’s gift from the olivetrees. I hope this information helps you.
May you always be Blessed with Optimal Health,Dr. Baruch, Founder of Everlasting Lifeeatthecure@drbaruch.comwww.drbaruch.comThe Wholefood Farmacy Team